Rare and valuable editions ("Metallurgical Ukrainika" project)
українськоюenglish Railway Ukrainika Library of USUST

      The Metallurgical Ukrainika project was launched in 2021. The main goal of the project is to collect, store and increase the availability of rare and valuable publications (XIX - first half of the XX century) dedicated to the formation and development of the metallurgical industry. E-copies of publications from the funds of the library of NMetAU (now USUST) and libraries of Ukraine, scanned by library staff of USUST, as well as electronic resources borrowed from open Ukrainian sources are presented.

  1. Gurzheev, S. (1915). Elementarnyy kurs soprotivlenіya materialov i grafostatiki i ikh prilozhenbya k mashinostroeniyu. [Elementary course of strength of materials and graphostatics and their applications to mechanical engineering] (4th ed.) Petrograd , Russian Empire: Izdanie L. F. Panteleeva. (in Russian). 90,6 MB. (Scanned by Radul M. A.) Full text

  2. Izgaryshev, N. A. (1916) Elektrokhimicheskaya teorіya razrushenіya metallov [Electrochemical theory of destruction of metals]. Moscow, Russian Empire: Tipo-lit. Russkago Tovarishchestva (in Russian). 48,1 MB. (Scanned by Vereshchak T. B.) Full text

  3. Izgaryshev, N. A. (1926) Galvanoplastika i galvanostegiya [Electroforming and electroplating]. Moscow ; Leningrad, USSR: Gosizdat (in Russian). 50,7 MB. (Scanned by Vereshchak T. B.) Full text

  4. Kistyakovskiy, V. A. (1912) Elektrokhimiya [Electrochemistry]. (Vol. 1, pp. 1-181). St.-Petersburg, Russian Empire: Tipo-litogr. Shredera (in Russian). 81,5 MB. (Scanned by Onufriienko M. M.) Full text

  5. Kistyakovskiy, V. A. (1916) Elektrokhimiya [Electrochemistry]. (Vol. 2, pp. 287-389). Peterograd, Russian Empire: Tipogr. R. G. Shredera (in Russian). 50,7 MB. (Scanned by Radul M. A.) Full text

  6. Ledebur, A. (1898) Rukovodstvo po chuguno- i staleliteynomu delu [Guide to iron and steelmaking]. St.-Petersburg, Russian Empire: Knizhnyy magazin V. Erikson (in Russian). 118 МБ. (Scanned by Brovkina S. V.) Full text

  7. Mitkevich, V. F. (1912) Magnitizm i elektrichestvo [Magnetism and electricity.] Peterograd, Russian Empire: Izdanie A. S. Suvorina, (in Russian). 95,1 MB. (Scanned by Sitkovska L. M.) Full text

  8. Pavlov, M. A. Metallurgiya chuguna. [Pig iron metallurgy]. (4th ed.). (Vol. 2 : Domennyy protsess [Blast-furnace process]). Leningrad ; Moscow, USSR: GNTI literatury po chernoy i tsvetnoy metallurgii. (in Russian). 131 MB. (Scanned by Kornilova I. M.) Full text

  9. Ryabkov, G. Z. (1894) Opyt metodiki resheniya geometricheskikh zadach na postroenіe [Experience in the technics of solving geometric construction problems]. Odessa, Russian Empire: Tipografiya A. Shultse (in Russian). 119 MB. (Scanned by Soroka O. V.) Full text

  10. Sokolov, P. K. (1901) Obrabotka metallov i dereva [Metal and wood processing]. St.-Petersburg, Russian Empire: Izdanie V. I. Gubinskogo (in Russian). 123 MB. (Scanned by Tarakhova N. A.) Full text

  11. Van 't Hoff, J. H. (1911). Raspolozhenie atomov v prostranstve . [Arrangement of atoms in space]. Moscow, Russian Empire: Pechatnya S. N. Yakovleva. (in Russian). 67,1 MB. (Scanned by Onufriienko M. M.) Full text